Sky Pirates! By Dave Stone
Wow, this book is strange and zany, comparable to the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy books. Written by Dave Stone all the information that you get about him is that he has written three Judge Dredd novels and is on medication. The Seventh Doctor along with companions, Benny, Roz and Chris have a strange adventure that involves one of my all time favorite race of aliens in all science fiction,The Sloothes these guys are really gross and for some reason to me completely fascinating. Maybe it is because they are truly alien with no human like traits or emotions making communication with them is almost impossible. Their ships are made from the dead, bloated bodies of their own species, They collect everything with no idea of anything's value, they just pile up in their ships all the things the take from other races they have attacked including living people. They have no idea how to deal with their living captives and sometimes feed them and sometimes not and some of what they try to feed captives is rotten or not even food. Poor Chris and Roz end up on one of the Sloothes ships. Roz gets addicted to the body fluids that one of the Sloothes feeds her, hilarious . The Doctor and Benny fly around with some space pirates that are trying to save the galaxy from the Sloothes, I cannot even due justice to explain the craziness of this book. I also love the cover which unlike some Doctor Who New Adventures books has a pretty good likeness of Sylvester McCoy as the Seventh Doctor. If you look behind the Doctor on the cover you see that he is inside a sickening pepto pink Sloothe ship. One of my favorite New Adventure books I have read so far.
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